Just be kind

Just be kind

There are days when I feel almost ashamed to be a human being when I witness or hear of the hurt that people inflict upon one another. In a world fraught with struggles and previously unseen challenges, why is it that people find it so hard to just be kind. Recently on one of our online buy, swap and sell sites I witnessed such violent and hateful judgements upon a situation which was unfolding that I could no longer read it. A simple post had got out of hand and the keyboard warriors all smelt blood on the wind of social media and got out their trolling weapons and it was on for young and old. The event turned out to be personal tragedy for a family, and none of the previous comments were even correct. Yet a grieving family had harsh judgement calls made which had nothing to do with the truth. Shame I say.

Why is it so hard to be kind? Does it really cost that much to us personally? Is giving a smile to a young mum with a child having a tantrum so very hard to do, or do we get that bitter nana narrow lipped judgmental look instead? Can’t we help her unload her trolley into her car and then put the trolley back for her? Can we let the elderly person carrying only a few articles in ahead of us at the supermarket? Can we smile and have a chat with them as we may be the only person they speak to that day. Yes we can. We can and we must. Why? Because simple acts of kindness can be the antidote to some of the most awful and tragic events that happen in people’s lives. There is an epidemic of loneliness and just a simple act or word of kindness can be the one thing that will bring some joy into somebody’s day. 

I am an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ. I believe that I have been changed into a better person through having him living in me. He is kindness itself, so, as a Christian, can’t we use our words to encourage and heal? Do we sometimes allow ourselves to sink into judgement and gossip because it is not happening to us, and we could have done it better? Maybe we need a wakeup call to watch our words and to watch what is coming out of our mouths. It’s the Devil who has come to steal, kill and destroy, not us. We have come like Jesus did to bring hope, encouragement and comfort. 

“Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness.” Romans 11:22. Lets face it, he was and is kind to us, so should we not pay it forward.

WWJD. What would Jesus do? Well I believe he would be kind. He’d be motivated by the love he is filled with. He’d get out there and change that tyre, grab that fractious child, give a hug, buy a sandwich and a coffee, listen for an hour without interuption, drive an extra kilometer, change that nappy, lift those groceries, take that meal, put that money in the letterbox, make a phone call, send an invite and yes – just turn up on the doorstep with a bunch of flowers and some chocolate and not worry about snot on his shoulder when he puts his arms of compassion around a broken person.

Can we all just be a little more kind? Can we take time to listen, to encourage, to offer a tissue when they cry, get down and cry with them, ring the next day to see they are ok. Can we take them a meal, take them for an outing, tell them a joke, buy them a coffee, share a scripture, offer to pray – or just to listen. Can we all just be kind? We are Jesus hands and feet. We are the arms he hugs with and the ears that listen. 

I say these words to myself too, as I, like all of us become self focused and absorbed in  my daily routine and list of jobs I want to do. But can I listen to the nudge of the Holy Spirit? Can I put my needs on hold for a moment? Can I just open my eyes and be the ‘one’ who brings a moment of comfort and cheer to those who are all around me. 

“A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.” Proverbs 11:17 When we give out, we are blessed, but those who are selfish hurt themselves. 

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,” Col 3:12

Kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit.  Lets nurture it and polish and leave it in the fruit bowl of our lives, ready to be given out readily to those we need it. Yes, just be kind. 

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